During this very confusing and uncertain time, we wanted to assure you that we are still constantly working on our mission to provide support to ensure victims and survivors of intimate crime receive compassionate and high-quality services as they heal, both physically and emotionally. We will continue to strive to be a leader in preventing intimate crime and supporting victims and their families, while bringing awareness to the community. On behalf of the thousands of children served by Holly’s House in 9 Indiana counties, we thank you for your continued support in our mission of advocating for children experiencing abuse and neglect. The Board of Directors want to assure you that we are stretching every dollar as far as possible.
We thank you for your continued support, donations, likes/interactions/messages on our social media. We also thank you for always supporting and protecting our innocent victims in the community. Please stay safe and be healthy. |
Make a DonationHelp Holly's House continue to provide crucial services to our community through your financial support. Donate |
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at its most vulnerable.
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Holly's House, Inc. | P.O. Box 4125, Evansville, IN 47724
Phone: 812-437-7233 | Fax: 812-437-7241
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Sharing small pieces of information could result in misunderstanding.
Phone: 812-437-7233 | Fax: 812-437-7241
If you are sharing any of the information on this website, please share it in its entirety, as it is published.
Sharing small pieces of information could result in misunderstanding.